Making your home Eco-friendly
Transforming your house into a cosy and warm house in winter or a cool and comfortable house in summer can be simple and cost effective.
Effective heating and cooling can be custom designed to suit every house and getting your requirements right the first time is essential if you want it to be cost effective.
If you are building or renovating, you have a number of options for controlling the temperature in your house. Depending on where you live you will generally be able to choose from:
- Heating or cooling using electricity such as air conditioning, fans and various types of heaters
- Gas heating which works well as long as it is flued. Non-flued heaters can cause health issues for some people.
- Recent developments including ethanol heaters featured recently in TV shows like The Block.
- Environmentally friendly options like ‘Ventis’.It may cost a bit to install but the running costs are minimal and the overall benefits are great.
A little bit about the Ventis System
Sunshine and daylight radiating upon your roof surface provides a source of free, naturally warm air in your roof space.
The Ventis system draws the warm air from your roof space, and circulates the fresh, warm, drier air through the bedrooms and living areas in your home, creating an even temperature, and a healthy ventilation flow. The system uses a very effective, medical grade filter, removing air pollution including pollen, allergens and harmful dust from the air before it is circulated into your house.
On hot, humid summer nights, Ventis circulates naturally cool night air around your home by removing the hot air from the roof space to outside and drawing in the cooler night air.
For more information, visit the Ventis website.
When deciding which heating and cooling system to use, it is important to compare the upfront costs of systems against the lifetime running costs.
Did you know you must seek council approval for the following:
- To dig up and replace an existing drive way. You can change or enhance your driveway as long as you are within your boundary. However, from the boundary to the street, you require approval – it’s not your property.
- Extension of an existing carport or patio. You can enhance or replace an existing carport or patio as long as it maintains it’s current dimensions. If you are wanting to enlarge the surface area, you may be required to seek approval from council.
- If you want a pergola or shade structure over 20m2 in size you will need to seek Council approval.
- If you are in a designated Fire Zone you will need approval for most external works.
- If you want to remove a large established tree. In most circumstances a permit from Council is required before removing or pruning trees on private property.
by Ruth Newman